Employment Litigation
As an employee you have many rights that you employer may not tell you about. You have the right to not be discriminated against at work based on your race, color, sex, religion, and national origin. You also have a right to equal pay for equal work. Each worker has a right to work in a safe workplace that is also free of sexual harassment and is not hostile. Finally, you have a right to be paid according to your employment contract and existing laws when it comes to overtime and wages. Unfortunately, employers are not always concerned about your rights and you may just have to contact the Tulsa employment litigation attorney at the Denton Law Firm for assistance.
If any of these rights have been denied to you by your employer, you need to contact an experience Tulsa employment litigation attorney. The Denton Law Firm is experienced and can ensure that your rights are protected. We will also work to see that you are compensated for the harm done to you. You deserve better and we can help you get it. Contact the Denton Law Firm today to set up your free case review and consultation: (918) 631-7181.