February 15, 2013

DUI Tulsa - First Time DUI

First Time DUI

If you’re pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, there are probably a million questions running through your head. Will I lose my license? Will I go to jail? How can I get this off my record? The Denton Law Firm can answer all of your questions. Robert Denton has extensive experience as a DUI attorney. Contact the DUI Defense Attorney Tulsa counts on today for a free consultation about your first time DUI case. (918) 631- 7181.

Implied Consent

Oklahoma is an implied consent state. This means that officers can require a drug or alcohol test when they legally pull you over for a DUI in Tulsa. All citizens give consent to this when they sign up for their drivers’ license. If you choose to refuse, you will be penalized.
Refusing to take a blood alcohol test for the first time results in a six month license suspension. And refusing a test doesn’t necessarily help your first time DUI case. The prosecution could argue that you refused because you knew you were driving while intoxicated (DWI). Contact the Denton Law Firm today so we can defend you from this accusation. Call (918) 631- 7181 or email us to start building the case for your DUI defense.

Possible Penalties

Jail time for first time DUIs in Tulsa can range from five days to one year. Fines can be as much as $1,000, not to mention hundreds of dollars in court fees. Oklahoma suspends licenses for 30 days after a DUI. In order to have a license reinstated, the state requires participation in a substance abuse class. Penalties increase if children under eighteen are in the car.

Getting convicted of a DUI in Oklahoma can affect you for the next ten years. A second conviction will be considered a felony and would result in a minimum sentence of one year in prison. That is why it’s essential to have an attorney that knows Tulsa’s DUI inside and out.

You need the best representation possible. The Denton Law Firm has the experience necessary to represent you well. Robert Denton knows how prosecutors think, having been one in the past. He knows how to analyze your case like the other side will. This will help him advocate for your DUI defense. Email or call (918) 631- 7181 today.

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About the Author Robert Denton

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