No one expects to be involved in a car wreck, but many of us will, unfortunately, have the experience. When it happens, in addition to coping with physical injuries, you may feel confused, frightened, and even panicky. Nevertheless, as an Eagle River, AK car accident lawyer, here are seven things you want to AVOID  immediately after a car wreck:

  1. DON’T move your vehicle before police arrive, and then only after you receive their instructions to do so;
  2. DON’T say anything which others might construe as your taking responsibility for what just happened;
  3. DON’T leave the scene without written notes containing names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses for all eyewitnesses;
  4. DON’T forget to grab your smartphone or other device and take photos of the scene (including all sides of all vehicles) before vehicles are moved;
  5. DON’T fail to tell police and EMTs about any physical symptoms you are experiencing – including dizziness, confusion, and neck or back pain which was not present before the wreck;
  6. DON’T decline to be transported to the E.R. via ambulance if one is called, or behave uncooperatively or combatively with EMTs;
  7. DON’T deny a Loss of Consciousness just because you are uncertain about it, because it was very brief, or because you think you are just too “tough” to have been hurt.

Being involved in a car wreck is always going to be an unpleasant experience, and if it happens to you, it will likely be confusing. But recalling the above list of DON’Ts – and practicing them – might make your future negotiations with insurance companies, and the entire resulting experience, less stressful.

One more thing – remember, almost all car wrecks are preventable collisions. They are not accidents. An “accident” is when the baby spills the milk. A car wreck is a result of carelessness and failure to follow the rules of the road which protect all of us.

Be informed – handle your car wreck injury wisely, and don’t get hurt twice.


Law Office of William Dennie CookThanks to our friend and blog author, William Cook of The Law Office of William D. Cook, P.C., for his insight into what to do after an auto accident.

About the Author Robert Denton

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